


時間: 2019-03-04 15:11 瀏覽次數(shù):
 Hyperbolic air spring of the nature of the introduction: from the birth until now, the air spring is constantly evolving, the kind is also more and more, today air spring manufacturers to introduce what is hyperbolic air spring, want to be familiar with friends can look at.What is a hyperbolic air spring?
There is a belt in the middle of the air spring and this belt is called the air spring hoop, and the number of the hoop is one of the basic elements to distinguish the number of bends.Hyperbolic industrial air spring is a kind of curved capsule which is made of rubber net.The two ends of the capsule shall be connected with two steel plates to form two compressed air Chambers.The rubber and wire itself do not provide the load bearing capacity, but by filling the capsule with compressed air to complete.Hyperbolic industrial air spring is a good low-frequency vibration isolator, which relies on the pressure change of compressed air in the rubber capsule to achieve the required stiffness. Until now, hyperbolic industrial air spring is widely used in low-frequency vibration isolation of precision instruments, precision machinery and special equipment.
Hyperbolic industrial air springs successfully use the nonlinear reducing force of compressed air to achieve shock isolation and conflict mitigation. Since the United States first successfully used air springs as shock absorbers for industrial applications, air springs have been widely used in many fields.

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